The Rise of Evil on Earth: Is Biblical Prophecy Being Fulfilled? Pode ser divertido para qualquer um
The Rise of Evil on Earth: Is Biblical Prophecy Being Fulfilled? Pode ser divertido para qualquer um
Blog Article
Christians throughout history have paid attention to periods of moral decline and spiritual apostasy as potential signs preceding the return of Christ.
The Bible, God’s word, predicted these events and thousands of others over 2000 years ago. Not one prophecy from the Bible has ever been wrong. 100% accurate and correct, I can’t think of many things these days that have a batting average of perfection, we all stumble at some point.
” We have not yet reached the tribulation, the revelation of the Antichrist, or other “end-time” events. What we do see is a “preparation” for those events.
Even when we recognize the signs in the modern day, the end will come as a surprise. We must keep our lamps full of oil and lights lit, waiting for the coming of Jesus and the coming redemption of all things.
8 But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. nove The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake.
Zechariah 12:3 – (NKJV) – 3 And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.
I thought having kids would make my marriage stronger, but it almost resulted in divorce. Here’s how we dealt with the cracks it exposed.
The Bible certainly indicates that evil will become more intense just before Christ returns to establish His Kingdom. The Bible says that in those final days “evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13).
In place of the irresistible enticement, we would see the torture and murder of our Lord that was necessary to atone for our embrace of such an illusion.”5 God encourages us to love our enemy, but hate their actions. “Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good,” (Romans 12:nove, ESV)
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The fact that we’re witnessing this prophecy unfold right before our eyes is another compelling sign that we might indeed be living in the end times.
Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while. Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed.
Jesus understood that Satan was in charge of the world and would do all the evil he could to destroy God’s arrangement before the end of the age. How do we know Satan is in control? This was proven when Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert.
There’s not much left of Damascus. It happens to be the oldest existing city in the world. The current war in Israel and the attack on U.S. forces in Syria The Rise of Evil on Earth: Is Biblical Prophecy Being Fulfilled? and Iraq will probably escalate and the destruction of Damascus is imminent. This message came to me concerning Damascus: